We believe that aligning mission and margin creates the possibility for meaningful change.

In an industry that is constantly changing, with products and services that look a little different every day, FlagshipHealth Group is committed to helping health care companies balance their profit- and purpose-driven motives and develop a meaningful strategic plan for the future.

Over the years we have helped hundreds of partners navigate the churning, complex business of heath care. In our ever-changing industry, a fundamental knowledge of where we’ve been is required in order to predict where we’re headed. Luckily, we’ve got that experience in spades. Our combined knowledge has helped us create the most valuable healthcare solutions possible for our partners and their distribution strategies.

We accomplish this by digging deep in the planning phase, aligning strategy with the market, and developing an enterprise-wide tactical roadmap. We then stick around for the implementation, delivering not just theory, but real world experience, Rolodexes, and “in the trenches” know-how.

If you’re struggling to navigate the fragmented world of 921,904 physicians, 5,795 hospitals, 600 insurers, 400 life science companies, 300 third-party administrators, 75 health networks, 42 pharmacy benefit managers, and 30 reinsurers…you’re not alone. We’ve been there. And we can help.

Learn more about Flagship’s three core businesses:


The flagship approach

With Fortune 50 sales experience across 29 different distribution channels, we don’t mess around when it comes to business. We know we’re dealing with real people, real dollars, and real issues—and we keep that top of mind when developing a distribution strategy for services. And for as much fun as we have bringing new products and initiatives to life, we also live by a very particular credo:

Flagship never represents anything our entire office doesn’t stand behind.

It’s really as simple as that. When you work with us, we want you to know that we are just as invested as you are. Those tiny details that keep you up at night? We’re up at 3 a.m. thinking about them too. Being selective about who we choose to work with benefits everyone involved in the following ways:

  • You know that you have a health services consulting partner who will not rest until success is achieved. You have 100% of our passion, manpower, and attention to detail.

  • We will not be steered off course by other projects that detract from your business.

  • We do not receive any financial gain if something is not successful. We remain committed so that our partnership is profitable, both financially and personally.

In turn, we want you to feel that same way about us—that we’re people you can loosen your tie around even when you’re on the clock. Since we’ll be spending plenty of time together, we should be mutually enjoying it. We’ve also got an arsenal of terrible one-liners we think you’ll enjoy.


Core Values

At Flagship, we are constantly adapting our tactics and strategy to respond to different situations, clients, and industry changes–but at our core, four key values remain unchanged, guiding our overall approach and serving as the foundation of our organization:

Game Theory vs. Gain Theory

Someone wins by having someone lose. Sounds harsh when you lay it out in black and white. At Flagship, we partner with leaders and companies that value gain theory, the concept of all boats rising with the tide and the oft-overused saying of win-win.

To be successful, we have to be grafted as a member of your executive team over an extended period of time.  Are we a fit?


Shiny Objects

Of course we’re all looking for the unique patent, process or capabilities that are unmatched! In reality, some companies are unique and have a strong platform on which to deliver their solutions. Unfortunately, many companies have lost sight of what’s their uniqueness, their competition or their position in the market. Fundamentally they often lack a true current Go-To-Market platform. We can help dust off the story by identifying capabilities and offers that are good, bad, generic or just plain overlooked. We help clients move beyond the latest shiny object to core value delivery.

Are You Solving a Real Problem?

What is a problem worth solving? Examples would be a problem that is readily recognized by a prospective customer and a problem that is a top priority for a prospective customer. The real question though is, “Do you/we offer a solution that compels customers to act?” It doesn’t matter how good a capability may be if the customer doesn’t know they have a problem. We have to be at the fulcrum point somewhere in between the product being too visionary, for the pragmatic customer but just ahead of the mainstream. Is the market ready to buy in a big way?


Gets Us Excited and Adds Value

A flagship, outside of the water, means a leader or someone at the forefront of the charge. As shared above, we bring our unique brand of leadership to your business, translating strategy into sales execution in a big way. Our team never represents anything in which we don’t absolutely believe. We respect and uphold our gain theory stakeholder values for collective success. In short, we’re as invested in your business as you are, minus having our name on your building. Let’s work together.